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Ny Bog

En ny bog - Out of the Darkroom - skrevet på Engelsk af Peter Rockwell og Peter Knaack er netop udkommet. Den beskriver historisk en spændende, men lidet kendt, del af Fotoindustrien, nemlig "Photofinishing" - industrien der i mere end et århundrede har sørget for fremkaldelse og billedfremstilling af forbrugernes private optagelser. Historien er både spændende of fascinerende. Fås bl a på Amazon og via
OUT OF THE DARKroom A short history of the Photofinishing Industry

By Peter L M Rockwell and Peter W Knaack.

Paperback 180 pages ISBN 9780955407208
Published by 2P Press, London October 2006 UK £12.99 US $23.99

This book is about the least known, yet very fascinating part of the photographic industry, namely Photofinishing, which converts images, be they digital or film, from the camera to print, greeting cards or other media. Ever since George Eastman introduced inexpensive films and cameras at the end of the nineteenth century, photography has been one of the most popular pastimes. Prior to that time, photography was very complicated not to mention expensive and very few people practiced it. Eastman realised that to popularise photography, a developing and printing service was required and he launched this with the slogan ”You press the button we do the rest”. That was the beginning of the photofinishing industry, which is what the book is about.

The book’s first two chapters are a short history of photography from Daguerre and Fox Talbot in 1839 to the present day. Then there are 3 chapters about the technology of photofinishing, including minilabs and the digital age. These are followed by accounts of photofinishing in the US, the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Japan plus a short note concerning other countries. These chapters include many anecdotes, often by larger than life characters, which many people will find entertaining. Finally there is a chapter about photo labs and the environment.

The book is written in an easy to read style combining interesting historical stories with descriptions of technology which are not widely known. It is aimed to appeal to a wide spectrum of readers, including happy snappers, serious photographers, people who have worked in the photofinishing industry and students. Not everyone will want to read every page of the book, but there is plenty to appeal to most people who have any interest in photography. For this reason alone it should make an attractive present.

The authors, Peter Rockwell and Peter Knaack have spent much of their working lives in this very international industry and have inside knowledge of how it operates in many countries.

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